
Zivil- und KatastrophenschutzCivil defence and disaster controlProtection civile et catastrophes naturellesProtección civil y catástrofesProtezione CivileProteção civil e catástrofes

Civil defence and disaster control

CBRN Protection

Protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazardous substances (CBRN protection), in particular preventing the spread of contamination, is of particular importance every day in the most diverse areas of hazard prevention.Whether animal epidemics, infections, fires, hazardous goods accidents, incidents in chemical plants or nuclear facilities - protective measures against hazardous substances are always necessary.

For the protection of people and the environment, deconta develops and produces protection systems individually tailored to the area of application for

  • Fire brigade / Plant fire brigade
  • Police
  • Veterinary and health care
  • Aid organisations
  • Civil protection and disaster control
  • Military
  • Laboratories, industry, research institutions…

Decontamination Systems


Partitioning and isolation

Your direct contact

deconta GmbH
Im Geer 20
D-46419 Isselburg


Phone: +49 28 74 / 91 56 - 62
E-Mail: cbrn(at)